Amersham Society September 2019 Newsletter is now published and has been delivered to the Society members.
About 100 members of the Amersham Society, the Friends of Amersham Museum and the Museum Volunteers accepted the invitation to get together in the Museum garden for an early evening reception on 5 Sep 2019. This joint event celebrated the long-standing commitment to promote cooperation between the Museum and the […]
We would like to thank all our members and their guests who joined us for the Summer Drinks Recruitment Party on 3 Jul 2019. The party was successful and everyone who has spoken with us since was enthusiastic about it.
Amersham Society May 2019 Newsletter is now published and is being delivered over the period of 31 May to 2 Jun to Society members. We apologise for the slight delay.
The tribute to Sir John Johnson KCMG (1930 – 2018), a prominent member of the Society and much respected and liked figure in the Old Town, was originally published in the January 2019 Newsletter:
In Jan 1998 Newsletter Jean Archer recalled the first Society exhibition. It became an annual event which ran for seventeen years. THE FIRST AMERSHAM SOCIETY EXHIBITION Letter from the Chairman The first exhibition of the newly-formed Amersham Society took place in the Market Hall in 1957 and proved to be […]
In Nov 1987 Eric Corns outlined 30 years history of the Society and invited members to celebrate its achievements. The Anniversary Party took place on Sat 14 Nov at the Market Hall. Among the special guests at the party was Earl Howe. In his letter he thanked Mr Corns for […]
On becoming Chairman, Jean Archer shared her personal memories how the Society started 40 years earlier:
A historical commemorative tablet on the north side wall of the Market Hall was erected by the Society in 1972. The inscription on the tablet gives the history of Amersham from Saxon times. We are transcribing it now as a part of our ongoing work of making all the Society […]
We are sad to report that Anthony del Tufo, a prominent member of the Amersham community, died on 17 Jan 2019 aged 79.
The booklet “50 years of The Amersham Society, Founders of the Amersham Museum” was written by Dr Michael Brooks, Christine Standring and Barbara Webber and published in 2006 to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Society. Today we are pleased to make the full text and illustrations available online.
Amersham Society January 2019 Newsletter and 2019 Programme are now published and have been delivered to the Society members.
Section I of the booklet “50 years of the Amersham Society” covers the following chapters: Foreword by Cheryl Gillan MP · Introduction · Setting up the Society · Early events and activities · Formalising the Society · Early plans for a museum · A Museum is established.
Section II of the booklet “50 years of the Amersham Society” covers the following chapters: Early Newsletters and publications · A permanent home for the Museum · Fund raising · Restoration of 49 High Street · A new curator and an unexpected artefact · The Official opening of the Museum.
Section III of the booklet “50 years of the Amersham Society” covers the following chapters: Society – and the future of the Fair · Committee changes · The Millennium project · The Martyrs of Amersham · Loyal supporters and unsung volunteers · Jean Archer.
Section IV of the booklet “50 years of the Amersham Society” covers the following chapters: The Society becomes a separate organisation · The Society moves forward in the new Millennium · The overall appearance of the town · Monitoring planning activities · Caring for the environment.
Section V of the booklet “50 years of the Amersham Society” covers the following chapters:The Newsletter and other communications to members · Traffic, litter and Licensing · Meetings, lectures and visits · Membership · 50th Anniversary · Summary · The Chairman writes · Acknowledgements.
Your new 2018-19 committee was elected at the AGM on Wednesday, 31 Oct and the members are as follows:
At our AGM on 29 October 2014 the Committee will be asking our members to agree changes to our constitution. This is a summary and explanation but you can read full details by clicking on Read More at the bottom of the summary We propose that the Objects of […]