About 100 members of the Amersham Society, the Friends of Amersham Museum and the Museum Volunteers accepted the invitation to get together in the Museum garden for an early evening reception on 5 Sep 2019. This joint event celebrated the long-standing commitment to promote cooperation between the Museum and the […]
We would like to thank all our members and their guests who joined us for the Summer Drinks Recruitment Party on 3 Jul 2019. The party was successful and everyone who has spoken with us since was enthusiastic about it.
On Sunday 11 Nov 2018 thousands of people across the county commemorated the centenary of the Armistice and paid tribute to the men and women killed in the First and Second World Wars.
In 2018 the town of Amersham received a record number of the National and Regional Bloom awards including a Gold and a National Certificate of Distinction for Parks for the Memorial Gardens display. The winning theme this year was the centenary of the end of the First World War. Here are a […]
The Charter Fair dates back to 1200, when King John, trying to raise money to support his wars in France sold the right to hold a weekly market and annual fair to the Lord of the Manor. The 2017 fair makes a wonderful contrast with the display in the Memorial […]
On the 9th July Amersham welcomed visitors from its twin town of Bensheim with a well-attended concert in the Memorial Gardens. Volunteers and staff involved in Amersham in Bloom were acclaimed.
What a magnificent Heritage Day! The Old Town full of people, Barn Meadow full of parked cars and bands, classic cars, steam engines, animals to pet, punch & judy, bouncy castles, craft stalls, food and drink. Even weather to match.
Old Amersham celebrated a magical Christmas evening – complete with reindeer, music and an ice rink on Friday 4th December.