We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the recent HS2 Select Committee hearings and the introduction of Additional Provisions 5. Select Committee schedule In […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming HS2 Select Committee hearings and recent announcements from HS2 on Wendover and the design panel. […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming HS2 Select Committee hearings and updates on the outcome from Buckinghamshire County Council’s hearings in […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming Buckinghamshire Select Committee hearings and the assurances received by HS2 ltd Welcome Over the last […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at Select Committee appearances that have been taking place on the Chilterns Long Tunnel and the decisions announced […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at Select Committee appearances that have been taking place on the Chilterns Tunnel, the new members of the […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming Select Committee appearances on the various Chilterns Tunnel proposals and a summary of the Select […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming Colne Valley hearings as well as a general update on the Select Committee. Select Committee […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) Following the general election this e-update reports on the results for each of the previous Select Committee Members and the forward […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) With the general election campaign now in progress the Select Committee has stopped hearing petitioners. This update will report on the […]
THIS SATURDAY 11TH APRIL FROM 11.00 – 4.00 AT AMERSHAM FREE CHURCH WOODSIDE / SYCAMORE ROAD The HS2 Amersham Action Group vigorously opposes the principle of HS2. However: should HS2 go ahead, the issue of how it tunnels through the Chilterns becomes of paramount importance. The HS2 Amersham Action […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This update looks at the first of the Buckinghamshire hearings that took place in March as well as the House of […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This update will focus on the first of the Buckinghamshire hearings that have taken place this week as well as an […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This update will focus on progress in Select Committee hearings, the upcoming hearings for the Colne Valley (including support we will […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This update will focus on the first site visit to Buckinghamshire that took place on the 15 January in the Colne […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) Happy New Year! The Select Committee returned from recess on Monday 5 January to hear petitioners including Warwick District Council, groups […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) The Select Committee have continued to hear from petitioners over the last couple of weeks and are now on recess until […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) Over the past couple of weeks the Select Committee have continued to hear petitioners, with a number of members of the […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/ The Select Committee recommenced on the 17 November after a week-long recess, to hear The County Land and Business Association and […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/ The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee is currently hearing evidence on the economic case for HS2, and this week Councillor […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/ Buckinghamshire County Council has now planned the next set of community support meetings, which will focus on evidence preparation for appearing […]
We have received these notes from the Bucks HS2 team relating to the CFA 8 (The Chalfonts and Amersham) local meetings held in September. For those who attended, you may recall that at these events the two main topics which we discussed were the Select Committee Visit to Buckinghamshire and […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) Notes from the Buckinghamshire HS2 team relating to the CFA 8 (The Chalfonts and Amersham) local meetings held in September have […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: The Select Committee timetable up until the end of October has now been released, which includes a number of individuals representing themselves. This update provides details of the most recent Select Committee timetable; information on how route-wide […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: As well as the Select Committee process for the original Hybrid Bill continuing, the first set of Additional Provisions – changes to the Bill – have now been deposited in Parliament and a separate petitioning period for […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: The Select Committee recommenced on the 1 September following the summer recess, beginning with an opening statement from the Chairman and petitioners from the Birmingham area. This update will provide further information on the Select Committee process, […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team We now have just one more week until the Select Committee sits again following recess, hearing Birmingham and Solihull based petitioners in September and mid-October. Although the timetable beyond mid-October has not yet been released, based on […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team Parliamentary Recess is now underway, meaning that the Select Committee will not be sitting until the start of September. This update will provide information on the Select Committee timetable, an update on the community support we will […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team The outcomes of the recent locus standi challenges have now been released, with both HS2 Action Alliance and Stop HS2 being granted the right to be heard. This update provides further information on the Select Committee process, […]