The first town trail leaflet “Amersham: A Walk around the Old Town” was published in 1975 as a contribution to European Architectural Heritage Year. The Society joined the Council of Europe’s initiative to raise public awareness that architectural heritage consists not only of the most important monuments, it also includes the groups of lesser buildings in old towns and villages in their natural or manmade settings.

By 1975 most of the Old Town was already a conservation area. The map above from the leaflet shows many of the buildings listed as of historical or architectural interest. The full copy (PDF 15MB) is available here:
To know more about the leaflet please read the article from the Bucks Examiner, 7 Nov 1975:
A VERY handy leaflet has just been published by the Amersham Society which should prove in-valuable to people interested in the old town.
It is a town trail – a walk around the old town pointing out the various interest things to look out for.
The trail is the Society’s contribution to European Architectural Heritage Year.
“We felt we ought to do something, although we didn’t have the money or members to do a large project involving buildings,” said Society chairman Mr Eric Corns.
“So it was decided to do something simpler which would nevertheless be a memento.”
The result is the leaflet, written by secretary Mr Frank Peers with illustrations by treasurer Miss Enid Butcher and a map by Miss Lorna Barcock, designed and laid out by Mr John Wallis, and supervised by the Society’s committee.
“It is intended to help visitors and local people who want to know a little bit of what is in the town,” said Mr Corns.
The leaflet is well laid out, clear to read and can easily be slipped into a pocket or bag.
The walk suggested in the trail will take you the length of Amersham old town – and the width – telling you what to look out for and giving a little of the history of each.
The guide is widely available in Amersham old town and in some shops in Amersham on the Hill, and at just 6p, it offers real value for money.
This pocket size four fold leaflet proved very popular indeed and its second edition was published in 1992 to reflect changes in the Old Town. Also it led to the creation of guided walks which are still going strong and now run by the Museum.