Started: 10.00am
Weather: Hot and sunny
Survey carried out by: Tim Harmer and Lesley Harmer
Area of survey from the bottom end of Shardeloes Lake to the footbridge and ford
(Ref track from London Road East)
- Grill from lake looks clear. However new barbed wire fence fitted along the public foot path gives no clear access. However small broken gate enabled access to river. Tree branches and a large amount of weed in the river behind the Cricket Club and a tree in the river near club gate. This needs clearing.
- Between Shardeloes Drive and Amersham by-pass bridge and further along to Amersham High Street bridge. Significant amounts of twigs and tree branches in the river which need clearing.
River Misbourne, Amersham Bypass Bridge. Photo by John Suckling - Copas Farm is private land, so unable to undertake survey. However from the High Street bridge heavy vegetation was seen in the river on this farm land.
- To Mill Lane. The river is locked behind gates giving very little visual access
- The stretch of river immediately downstream from Mill Lane to the corner of Barn Meadow. River running well and clean on one side but has thick vegetation on the cottages side of the river. Riparian owners need to clear.
River Misbourne, Barn Meadow. Photo by John Suckling - The Barn Meadow reach is clear and flowing well.
- We did not have access to the river between the culvert and Pondwick. At Pondwick the river has thick dead vegetation and up to the council office building. This needs clearing by Town Council and riparian owners.
- At Badminton Court the river has thick vegetation which needs clearing.
- Church Mead. There is vegetation in the river but running OK.
River Misbourne, Church Mead. Photo by John Suckling - Car park area has dead branches in river. No supermarket trolleys found in the river. However I removed one trolley on the river bank and rubbish.
- Behind Tesco supermarket rubbish in the river.
- River running behind Tesco car park and overflow culvert all OK. Rubbish needs removing.
- At Station Road Bridge the River is flowing. However on the Tesco and small farm side there is a large amount of weed growing.
- West Arch of the road bridge to Ambers and river fork at the Jaguar Garage also weed needs clearing.
- Area from Lookers (Jaguar) Garage to the footbridge and ford. Generally clean but with a weed growth.
- From where the river emerges from the Two Arches under London Road West there is weed growth in the river.
- Moving along into Bury farm field the river has fallen trees and bushes which need clearing by the riparian owners.
- Moving under the A413 bypass going along the river towards the foot bridge, we found a large number of trees and bushes that had fallen into the river and weed growing. These need removing. Please note because of the autumn rain and the hot summer weather it was very difficult to see the river condition at a number of points.
- At the ford and foot bridge. There is a large amount of weed growth. This needs to be removed as it’s across the river.
Tim Harmer,
Amersham Society
Foot note: Also at an Affinity Water meeting I was told to look out for non-native plant species in the river. These are Giant Hogweed and Himalayan Balsam.