Buckinghamshire Council is set to review its active Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs). Originally introduced under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 by former local councils, they are now over a decade old and vary significantly in their prohibitions. The aims of the review are to:
- Unify all orders under Buckinghamshire Council’s jurisdiction;
- Ensure consistent prohibitions across the county;
- Review and amend existing prohibitions as necessary;
- Evaluate PSPO locations for relevance, extension, or removal.
To do so they are now inviting people to participate in public consultations set up by existing orders – see the Council’s Your Voice Bucks webpage. For convenience of our members and those who wish to comment on the Amersham related proposals, here are the direct links:
- Chiltern and South Buckinghamshire Alcohol Restriction Public Spaces Protection Order consultation 2025;
- Buckinghamshire Car Parks Public Spaces Protection Order consultation 2025.
Please note, the consultation will run until 11:59pm on Sun 16 Feb 2025.
After the Council review and consider the consultation responses, the decision will be made before the end of Sep 2025.