New River Misbourne Information Panel Unveiled

On 13 Jul 2024 the first information panel about the rarity and ecology of chalk streams and the history of the River Misbourne in Amersham was unveiled by the Town Mayor, Dominic Pinkney on Church Mead. The panel was developed as a part of the River Misbourne Project, launched by the Amersham Society in 2023. A second panel is planned for Barn Meadow in the autumn.

Almost 40 people were present for the brief ceremony. In his opening statement Edward Copisarow, the Society’s Chair, thanked the Dulcie Denison Will Trust, Brian Withington, Graham Cook, Amersham Town Council and Amersham Museum for their support and help. Then Peter Borrows, the Project’s team lead, explained how initial ideas followed by research were implemented in the final design.