Please find below information about forthcoming events in Amersham. The Society’s lectures are usually in the Kings Chapel. If any member is unable to make his/her way to these meetings and would like transport to be arranged, please contact Geraldine Marshall-Andrew on 01494 433735.
The British Museum curator Dr Irving Finkel returns to the Society to continue on the topic of diaries.
Arrietty, the heroine of Mary Norton’s The Borrowers books, kept a diary. This diary she assiduously filled out, while quotations from it provide chapter headings in the second volume, The Borrowers Afield. The speaker discovered that this celebrated Arrietty diary was no fictional invention to enhance the plot, but a miniature desk-top Victorian production of which Mary Norton must have owned a specimen herself, incorporating it with such effect in her story.
Dr Finkel’s determination to secure an example of this miniature diary for the Great Diary Project (the subject of an earlier Society talk) met not only with success, but led also to far-reaching consequences. These will be explained and elaborated in this upcoming illustrated lecture.
The Borrowers books were a staple of his reading childhood, his sympathies are offered to all those who have never encountered them themselves.
Recordings of his previous talks given to the Society “The Great Diary Project” and “The First Ghosts: Most Ancient of Legacies” are available to our members on demand.
Coffee/tea and biscuits will be available from 7.30pm. The talk starts at 8.00pm. No booking necessary. Guests and new members welcome.
Naturalist John Tyler returns to the Society to talk about learning more from a walk, what to look for and what it means. Once you know how to spot the clues, the countryside can reveal so much about its wildlife, history and prehistory. There are even signs that will help you to find your way and to forecast the weather.
Coffee/tea and biscuits will be available from 7.30pm. The talk starts at 8.00pm. No booking necessary. Guests and new members welcome.
A talk by Jamie Carter. Further details to follow.
A talk by Michael Phillips. Further details to follow.
A talk by Jeremy Holmes. Further details to follow.
A talk by Neil Rees. Further details to follow.
A talk by Denise Beddows. Further details to follow.
Annual General Meeting followed by a charity talk by a speaker from Helen & Douglas House. Further details to follow.
A talk by Peter Hague. Further details to follow.