With the Gurkhas in North East India

25 Nov 2020 @ 7:45 pm
Martin Brooks Talk
Martin Brooks with Tali villagers telling their stories

High up in the cloud forests of the Miri Hills in Arunachal Pradesh, formerly known as the North East Frontier Area, near the border with Tibet, lies the remote village of Tali, the home of a particular clan of the Tibeto-Burman tribal people, The Nyishi.

When in Mar 2018, Martin Brooks and his two colleagues trekked up the arduous and muddy path there, villagers told them that no Europeans had ever visited them. In fact 106 years earlier a small party of British officers, together with a large Gurkha military escort, had arrived there to make friendly contact. In his talk Martin will tell us about his findings and what really happened in 1912 and how these fascinating people live today.

The talk starts at 8.00pm. Members for whom we have an email address will receive the invitation the week before the meeting. Non-members can request an invitation at info@amershamsociety.org.