On 29 May the River Chess Association reported that the water in some areas of Shardeloes Lake on the River Misbourne had temporarily turned from “clear to milky” – see photos on their Facebook post.
Amersham Town Council have informed us that Serco have agreed to undertake a deep clean of the High Street on Mon 22 Jun between 7 and 9am. This is really good news and we thank both ATC and Serco for listening to the residents and businesses.
The Society is delighted to announce a bonus Summer Season of Zoom Talks to bring us all together over the long gap from May to September. Three distinguished collectors have kindly agreed to tell us the fascinating stories of their collecting and something of the discoveries they have made. Put […]
Amersham Town Council have informed us that following the Government advice about COVID-19 this year’s Heritage Day along with the remaining band concerts have been cancelled. Similarly, the river improvements at Barn Meadow have been postponed by Affinity Water.
Amersham Society May 2020 Newsletter is now published and has been delivered to the Society members.
On 29 Apr 2020 the Amersham Society broke new ground triggered by the current lockdown. The presentation by well known local historian Julian Hunt on Metroland was the first Society meeting held online via Zoom. Over 60 participants connected into the meeting from their living rooms. As many joined as […]
Buckinghamshire County Council have been releasing local information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) including service changes, business support and how to get help on the Buckinghamshire Council * website: Latest Updates to Services » Among the affected services are: Community Support Adult Social Care Transport Libraries Waste Collections Country Parks etc. * ) […]
The Amersham Society Committee very much regret that, as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to escalate and in line with Government response, we are having to cancel the talk “The World of the Honey Bee” by Howard Pool due to be given on Wed 25 Mar.
Buckinghamshire County Council has now published results of the first stage of Amersham Parking Review. Based on feedback received during the Informal Consultation carried out between 3 Dec 2019 and 14 Jan 2020 some roads will proceed to the formal consultation, some are removed from the parking review altogether and […]
Below are further details which were forwarded to the Society by Amersham Town Council. This is a background document to the intended works along the River Misbourne at Barn Meadow announced in Nov 2019.
Thames Valley Police held a walk-in session in the Market Hall in Old Amersham from 11am to 1pm on Thu 13 Feb. This was the first such event in the Old Town. Previously they have only been held in top Amersham. Unfortunately the advance publicity for the inaugural event was […]
Following numerous diversions and traffic lights on the roads around Old Amersham in the last few months, we would like to share with you a link to the one.network site which we think might be useful.
Amersham Society January 2020 Newsletter and 2020 Programme are now published and have been delivered to the Society members.
Following an audit of all representations on the Local Plan 2036, the Planning Policy Team of Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils have now made all comments public through their consultation portal.
We are very pleased to announce the winner of the best dressed front door competition. Congratulations to Sundari Ferris of Whielden Street The judges found it really difficult to choose just one winner from the selection of beautiful and creative wreaths that they saw on so many residents’ doors and […]
In Nov 2019 Amersham Town Council issued a notice to inform residents of the Old Town of intended works along the River Misbourne at Barn Meadow. The restoration scheme was proposed by Affinity Water which will be funding the project and working in partnership with Environmental Agency and the Town […]
In Dec 2019 Buckinghamshire County Council started the parking review in the Amersham area (yellow lines, parking bays) across 49 roads. The purpose of the review is to see if new parking controls are needed or if the current controls need to be changed.
The Old Amersham Business Association and the Amersham Society would like to inform residents of Old Amersham that the permission to close the roads throughout the town for A Magical Christmas Evening event on Fri 6 Dec 2019 has been granted by Bucks County Council.
We are encouraging all residents of the Amersham Old Town to get creative in time for A Magical Christmas Evening and join in the local Best Front Door Decoration competition supported by the Amersham Society and the Amersham in Bloom team.
Your new 2019-20 committee was elected at the Society’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 30 Oct and the members are as follows: Dorothy Symes, Chair Edward Copisarow, Vice-Chair Geraldine Marshall-Andrew, Hon. Secretary David Atkinson, Hon. Treasurer George Allison, Planning Peter Borrows, Membership Secretary Elena Morgan, Website Manager All the above […]
Our congratulations to the Amersham “Bloomers” who received the joint highest score ever for the region. The results of the competition were announced on 24 Sep at Thames & Chilterns in Bloom regional awards ceremony held in Woodley. Amersham won in three categories:
The Vagrant Notice is back up on the wall of no. 60, The Broadway. As Peter Borrows, our project co-ordinator, reports: it has been cleaned, woodworm treated and the lettering carefully re-painted and now much more legible – all thanks to Martin Cook of Martin Cook Studio.
Amersham Society September 2019 Newsletter is now published and has been delivered to the Society members.
About 100 members of the Amersham Society, the Friends of Amersham Museum and the Museum Volunteers accepted the invitation to get together in the Museum garden for an early evening reception on 5 Sep 2019. This joint event celebrated the long-standing commitment to promote cooperation between the Museum and the […]
This is an update on the progress of the Vagabond Notice conservation work commenced by the Amersham Society.
We would like to thank all our members and their guests who joined us for the Summer Drinks Recruitment Party on 3 Jul 2019. The party was successful and everyone who has spoken with us since was enthusiastic about it.
Started: 6 Jan 10.00am & 17 Mar 10.30am (listed in blue) Weather: cold overcast on 6 Jan & wet with hail on 17 Mar Revisited: 31 Mar, clean up day (listed in red) Survey carried out by: Tim Harmer and Lesley Harmer Area of survey from the bottom end of […]
Amersham in Bloom team are inviting all Amersham residents to join in the Local Gardening Competitions for 2019. The full details including the entry form can be found here.
Amersham Society May 2019 Newsletter is now published and is being delivered over the period of 31 May to 2 Jun to Society members. We apologise for the slight delay.
On 15 May 2019 Chiltern District Council approved the publication of the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan 2036 for a six-week public consultation. The consultation is now open until midnight Fri 23 Aug 2019 (this has been extended from the original consultation period which was to have ended on […]