A ‘sizeable’ sinkhole at Shardeloes between Old Amersham and Little Missenden was reported by The Guardian, first published on Sun 14 May. Inspectors from the Chiltern Society visited the site and confirmed that it is approximately six metres across and five deep, and that it is possibly growing. Follow their […]
Please take notice that Buckinghamshire Highways will be carrying out Priority Road surfacing works along the High St, Old Amersham from the ‘narrowing’s/speed control’ to the Market Hall. The works are programmed to take place from Tue 23 May 2023, and it is anticipated the carriageway surfacing work will take […]
Amersham Society May 2023 Newsletter is now published and has been delivered to the Society members.
The unveiling of a new town map of Amersham-on-the-Hill took place on Sat 18 Mar 2023. Designed in Metroland colours and style, the map will help residents and visitors navigate the town as well as provide them with information about its history starting from 1892.
Affinity Water has written to local residents explaining what happens next with regards to the River Misbourne Restoration Project in Old Amersham. The current timeline is as follows:
‘Visit Amersham’ new website is an Amersham Town Council initiative to better showcase local businesses in Amersham to tourists and residents of surrounding areas. In practice it will be maintained as a repository of all things to see and do in and around the town.
Please take notice that Transport for Buckinghamshire are due to carry out drainage investigations along the High St in Old Amersham to identify potential issues with the existing carriageway surface water drainage. The investigations will take place from Mon 30 Jan for approximately 2 days between the hours of 8:00 […]
The Amersham Society embarks on 2023 in good heart and is looking forward to our first full Zoom-free year of meetings in person since 2019. The team of six Committee members led throughout the pandemic by Dorothy Symes has now been joined by Carol Chesney who is taking on planning […]
Amersham Society January 2023 Newsletter and 2023 Programme are now published and soon will be delivered to the Society members. Download 2023 Programme »
Our colleagues at the Amersham Museum are currently looking for new Trustees and they ask us to share the information below with our members and local residents:-
Earlier this year FiveRivers Environmental Contracting Ltd together with Affinity Water and Amersham Town Council announced the plans to restore two sections of the River Misbourne in Barn and Pondwicks Meadows in Old Amersham. This is a part of Affinity Water’s River Restoration Programme for 2020-2025. As the works were […]
At the Society’s Annual General Meeting on Wed 26 Oct 2022 the eight existing Committee members were re-elected unopposed. They are: George Allison, Peter Borrows, John Catton, Carol Chesney, Edward Copisarow, Geraldine Marshall-Andrew, Elena Morgan, Dorothy Symes. The meeting was held in the Kings Chapel with approximately 40 members attending. […]
The planning consultants DLBP Ltd on behalf of Thomdell Developments Ltd has now submitted a planning application (ref: PL/22/3370/FA) for redevelopment of The Maltings at School Ln, Old Amersham.
Our congratulations to the Amersham in Bloom team, who have been crowned as the Overall Winner at the 2022 UK Finals of Britain in Bloom, held at the RHS Lindley Hall in London on 10 Oct 2022! They also received a Gold Award in the Town category for creating an […]
Amersham Society September 2022 Newsletter is now published and has been delivered to the Society members.
We would like to share a short video “End of the Line – Amersham” by Geoff Marshall. It is full of quirky and interesting facts about Amersham Station and ends in Old Amersham.
In 2018 the Amersham Society provided the informative Town Map display board outside the Memorial Gardens. This appears to be well used by visitors and locals alike. Mainly using money from a legacy, we now want to produce a similar board about the River Misbourne, probably to be located on […]
The following notice regarding cancellation of the Amersham Charter Fair this year was received through doors of Old Town residents on 13 Sep 2022:
Please take notice that the Annual Charter Fair will be held in the High St and The Broadway in Old Amersham on Mon 19 and Tue 20 Sep 2022, operating within the hours of 14:40 and 23:30 approximately. Parking restrictions will commence at 00:01 on 19 Sep and cease at […]
Last year Dave Roberts from Western Approaches HQ Museum, Liverpool contacted the Amersham Society about the early days of 30 Commando (later 30 AU) created by Ian Fleming. He knew that the unit was originally based in Amersham and Chesham Bois and was hoping to find out more about their […]
The Amersham Society Committee is pleased to introduce and welcome our two new members – Carol Chesney and John Catton. Earlier this year both Carol and John kindly responded to our survey when we asked members to share their views and ideas how we all might help the Society to […]
Amersham Society May 2022 Newsletter is now published and has been delivered to the Society members.
At the end of April, Amersham Town Council reported that the first stage of the repairs project to Market Hall had been completed. The major renovation was done to the historic structure within the clock turret, which houses the bell and clock workings. Also the clock now chimes between 8am […]
Amersham Town Council asked us to share the information about their plans for the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday and how our members and the residents of the Old Town could help them to organise the celebration. Here are the details:
After almost two years of Zoom talks the Amersham Society Committee is delighted now to let you know that from 30 Mar 2022 our lectures will again be at the Kings Chapel. The entrance charge remains £2 for members and £3 for non-members.
Every year during the non-summer months the Amersham Society organises lectures. Usually we meet in the Kings Chapel and occasionally in St Mary’s Church. Between April 2020 and February 2022 our meetings were held online via Zoom. With permission of the speakers the video recordings of these talks are now […]
The article “The rainforest on Amersham’s doorstep” by Marieke Bosman was written for the Society’s January 2022 Newsletter and underscores the importance of our local habitat. Marieke is an Old Amersham resident who is passionate about wildflowers and their protection and enjoyment. Her wildflower art is @mrsbloem on Instagram.
Amersham Society January 2022 Newsletter and 2022 Programme are now published and soon will be delivered to the Society members.
Our first outing for two years took place on Wed 22 Sep 2021 when 24 Society members and their guests took a safe and comfortable journey to the Gurkha Museum in Winchester. On arrival to the Museum they were met by Martin Brooks, past Chair of the Amersham Society and […]
The permission to close the roads throughout Old Amersham for A Magical Christmas Evening event on Fri 3 Dec 2021 has been granted by Buckinghamshire Council. The notification about road and bus stop closure was published on the Council’s service update page: