We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/ The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee is currently hearing evidence on the economic case for HS2, and this week Councillor […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/ Buckinghamshire County Council has now planned the next set of community support meetings, which will focus on evidence preparation for appearing […]
We have received these notes from the Bucks HS2 team relating to the CFA 8 (The Chalfonts and Amersham) local meetings held in September. For those who attended, you may recall that at these events the two main topics which we discussed were the Select Committee Visit to Buckinghamshire and […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) Notes from the Buckinghamshire HS2 team relating to the CFA 8 (The Chalfonts and Amersham) local meetings held in September have […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: The Select Committee timetable up until the end of October has now been released, which includes a number of individuals representing themselves. This update provides details of the most recent Select Committee timetable; information on how route-wide […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: As well as the Select Committee process for the original Hybrid Bill continuing, the first set of Additional Provisions – changes to the Bill – have now been deposited in Parliament and a separate petitioning period for […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: The Select Committee recommenced on the 1 September following the summer recess, beginning with an opening statement from the Chairman and petitioners from the Birmingham area. This update will provide further information on the Select Committee process, […]
At our AGM on 29 October 2014 the Committee will be asking our members to agree changes to our constitution. This is a summary and explanation but you can read full details by clicking on Read More at the bottom of the summary We propose that the Objects of […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team We now have just one more week until the Select Committee sits again following recess, hearing Birmingham and Solihull based petitioners in September and mid-October. Although the timetable beyond mid-October has not yet been released, based on […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team Parliamentary Recess is now underway, meaning that the Select Committee will not be sitting until the start of September. This update will provide information on the Select Committee timetable, an update on the community support we will […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team The outcomes of the recent locus standi challenges have now been released, with both HS2 Action Alliance and Stop HS2 being granted the right to be heard. This update provides further information on the Select Committee process, […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team. The start of July marked the beginning of the Select Committee proceedings and locus standi challenges are currently underway. This update will provide information on the Select Committee process, the community support we are currently providing and […]
At 7.00am on Friday 27 June Serco street cleaners descended on Amersham High Street and found that one side of the road was practically clear of parked cars. They were able to do a far better job thanks to the efforts of the Amersham Society and the cooperation of residents.
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team, with a further update about the time and place of meetings on 4th July. HS2 Ltd has now released the list of petitioners whose locus standi will be challenged, meaning that all other petitioners will potentially have […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team. The Select Committee have now released some details on how the Select Committee process will run. This update provides further information on these details, as well as an update on community support, the Blueprint Part 2, petitions […]
Information from Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: 1,925 petitions have now being submitted against HS2, demonstrating how strongly communities feel about the proposal and how passionate people feel about having their views heard. This update will provide information on what happens now petitions have been submitted and how we will […]
Organised by local Action Groups: REPA; Chesham Society; Amersham; CRAG. Have you petitioned against the HS2 Hybrid Bill yet? If not, let us help you … Come and do your petition on the spot Time: 10.0 am to 4.0 pm, weekdays Date: Tuesday 6 May until Wednesday 21st May […]
The following update has been issued by Bucks County Council HS2 Team: This week began with the Second Reading debate in the House of Commons, which concluded with the Bill receiving its second reading with a majority vote. As a result the petitioning period is now open and the deadlines […]
The Society believes that residents and businesses which have been affected by the recent flooding may not be aware of a public flood surgery the Environment Agency is organising with support from Bucks County Council on Wednesday April 23rd, from 16:00 to 21:00 in Amersham Market Hall. The […]
There are proposals for a massive Waste Transfer Station inthe heart of the Misbourne Valley beside the A413 (London Road East). We consider the proposed location to be inappropriate and would urge our members to register their objections and add momentum to the anti campaign. The location is unsuitable because […]
HS2 Amersham Action Group The fight still goes on. Special Information Event on Saturday 12 April Call in anytime between 10 am and 3 pm at The Small Barn, Amersham Community Centre. (Look for the white elephant) Come along and hear about the latest developments. Get a briefing on how […]
Representatives of the Chalfonts and Amersham Community Forum (CFA8), including action groups, representatives of the community, local elected councilors and private individuals have prepared a response to the Environmental Statement and Associated Documents from HS2 Ltd. It's a lengthy document but you can see it here http://www.hs2amersham.org.uk/Resources/ES/CFA8_Vn1.1.pdf This may form a […]
There are proposals from local councillors for a 20 mph speed limit in Old Amersham. Local residents have asked for a 30 mph limit on Rectory Hill (currently unrestricted). The Committee of the Amersham Society thinks these are a good idea. Do you agree? These and other matters of local […]
Residents on the north side of the High Street, roughly between the Methodist Church and the Elephant and Castle pub, have been subjected to flooding over the last few months, with water making much of the the pavement impassable without wellington boots and lapping up to their front doors. To […]
The recently-published HS2 Hybrid Bill reveals “God-like” powers to destroy heritage, livelihoods and green belt space.The authority it enshrines is worthy of the most power-crazed dictatorship and echoes John of Gaunt (Richard II Act 2 , Scene 1) … “This Sceptered Isle” … Deregulation incorporated within the HS2 Hybrid Bill […]
21 September 2013 Please join the campaign to reinstate a sub Post Office in Old Amersham which was closed in 2008, by attending the meeting with a representative of Post Office Ltd on Tuesday 24 September from 4 pm in the Chamber of Chiltern District Council at King George V […]
12 Jan 2012 The two most striking points about the announcement by Justine Greening on Tuesday 10th Jan, were: The Radical Route Realignment in Old Amersham. The Economic and Environmental Arguments remain very unconvincing. Route Realignment If the railway is built, its adverse impact on Old Amersham will have been […]
6 January 2012 The HS2 Amersham Action Group will be gathering at the Chequers pub in Old Amersham for the announcement. (51 London Road West, Amersham, HP7 9DA Tel: 01494 727866), assuming the announcement will be on Tuesday 10th in the afternoon by the Transport Secretary, we will be gathering from about 2.00. Amersham […]
For many of us who live in Old Amersham or run a business on one of the main streets such as the High Street, The Broadway or Whielden Street, our responsibilities do not end at the front door. The boundaries of most properties on these streets contain an additional area […]