We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/). This E-update has the presentations attached from the summit on 24 March and also the Q&As from the end. House of […]
Members may be aware that the two District Councils are drawing up a joint local plan in response to government requirements. On this occasion, the Amersham Society did not call a public meeting but the committee did have a meeting devoted to the topic and set up a working party […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the HS2 House of Commons Select Committee final report and upcoming community events. Select Committee Report 22 […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the County Council’s last minute appearance in front of the HS2 Select Committee, AVDCs appearance and the […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the recent HS2 Select Committee hearings including the combined appearance of the Buckinghamshire Council’s on 20 January […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the recent HS2 Select Committee hearings and the introduction of Additional Provisions 5. Select Committee schedule In […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming HS2 Select Committee hearings and recent announcements from HS2 on Wendover and the design panel. […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming HS2 Select Committee hearings and updates on the outcome from Buckinghamshire County Council’s hearings in […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming Buckinghamshire Select Committee hearings and the assurances received by HS2 ltd Welcome Over the last […]
Ref CH/2015/1063/FA : Land North Of High Street Old Amersham The Amersham Society acknowledges the growing demand for the type of accommodation envisaged by this application in order to meet the needs and secure quality of life for people with a variety of disabilities. We understand that finding suitable sites […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at Select Committee appearances that have been taking place on the Chilterns Long Tunnel and the decisions announced […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at Select Committee appearances that have been taking place on the Chilterns Tunnel, the new members of the […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming Select Committee appearances on the various Chilterns Tunnel proposals and a summary of the Select […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This E-update looks at the upcoming Colne Valley hearings as well as a general update on the Select Committee. Select Committee […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) Following the general election this e-update reports on the results for each of the previous Select Committee Members and the forward […]
Martin Pounce summarises initial findings from the parking survey As part of the research phase I conducted two surveys in February and March. The first counted the number of spaces at different times of day in the High Street, Market Square, Broadway and Whielden Street. High Street was divided into […]
Question 1 Taking the Core Strategy Vision as a starting point, do you think this remains valid to 2036 and if not, what changes are needed…. The Core Strategy Vision remains valid but perhaps more could be made of promoting creative solutions to the delivery of the vision within the […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) With the general election campaign now in progress the Select Committee has stopped hearing petitioners. This update will report on the […]
THIS SATURDAY 11TH APRIL FROM 11.00 – 4.00 AT AMERSHAM FREE CHURCH WOODSIDE / SYCAMORE ROAD The HS2 Amersham Action Group vigorously opposes the principle of HS2. However: should HS2 go ahead, the issue of how it tunnels through the Chilterns becomes of paramount importance. The HS2 Amersham Action […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This update looks at the first of the Buckinghamshire hearings that took place in March as well as the House of […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This update will focus on the first of the Buckinghamshire hearings that have taken place this week as well as an […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This update will focus on progress in Select Committee hearings, the upcoming hearings for the Colne Valley (including support we will […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) This update will focus on the first site visit to Buckinghamshire that took place on the 15 January in the Colne […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) Happy New Year! The Select Committee returned from recess on Monday 5 January to hear petitioners including Warwick District Council, groups […]
Residents in Whielden Street have received a letter from Bucks County Council about proposals, the effect of which would be to Remove 36% of the free parking spaces in Whielden St by converting 19 of them to pay-&-display spaces Full details of the proposal can found at: www.buckscc.gov.uk/about-your-council/have-your-say/ then click […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) The Select Committee have continued to hear from petitioners over the last couple of weeks and are now on recess until […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/) Over the past couple of weeks the Select Committee have continued to hear petitioners, with a number of members of the […]
Every year community organisations are invited to apply for LAF Funding to carry out projects. The criteria for these projects reflect local priorities which have been established in the past. This year local residents are being encouraged to complete a very short survey. Then on 9 December there will be […]
We have received the following update from the Buckinghamshire County Council HS2 team: (Note: previous Updates can be found on the Campaigns part of this web site at https://www.amershamsociety.org/topics/hs2/ The Select Committee recommenced on the 17 November after a week-long recess, to hear The County Land and Business Association and […]