In 2018 the town of Amersham received a record number of the National and Regional Bloom awards including a Gold and a National Certificate of Distinction for Parks for the Memorial Gardens display. The winning theme this year was the centenary of the end of the First World War. Here are a […]
The Charter Fair dates back to 1200, when King John, trying to raise money to support his wars in France sold the right to hold a weekly market and annual fair to the Lord of the Manor. The 2017 fair makes a wonderful contrast with the display in the Memorial […]
On the 9th July Amersham welcomed visitors from its twin town of Bensheim with a well-attended concert in the Memorial Gardens. Volunteers and staff involved in Amersham in Bloom were acclaimed.
What a magnificent Heritage Day! The Old Town full of people, Barn Meadow full of parked cars and bands, classic cars, steam engines, animals to pet, punch & judy, bouncy castles, craft stalls, food and drink. Even weather to match.
Old Amersham celebrated a magical Christmas evening – complete with reindeer, music and an ice rink on Friday 4th December.