Bucks CC: Amersham Parking Review

In Dec 2019 Buckinghamshire County Council started the parking review in the Amersham area (yellow lines, parking bays) across 49 roads. The purpose of the review is to see if new parking controls are needed or if the current controls need to be changed.

They have started from looking at roads where residents and others have reported parking problems to their local councillors and local councils. Based on this information the parking engineers have made maps that show a possible solution:

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For your convenience Old Amersham maps are listed below:

Now they are asking residents and others for their views by taking part in the Informal Consultation which is currently open and will run to Tue 14 Jan 2020. There are three ways to have your say:

Next steps will be the Official Public Consultation followed by the Approval of the Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport with Implementation stage currently set for late 2020.